If the world will end one day where will you go? Where you will go after you had died???
In that movie, one of the government staff was very selfish. He just thought about himself and let others died in the flood and he only let the rich people went in the ship. You see, only rich man can be secure? we are all human being and we have our right to be secure and to know what have happened!
Man are selfish. So we all have sin in our life and that why we cant know where to go after death. We need Jesus Christ....Only Jesus know the way because He is the Way, the Truth, and the Live, no one come unto the Father, but by me. You cant find any man in the world that he declare himself as God but only Jesus declare himself as God. Friend, you need Jesus. THIS IS JESUS LOVE www.everystudent.com/my/features/gettingconnected.html
If you cant believe you can try to prove Bible is wrong.