If the world will end one day where will you go? Where you will go after you had died???
In that movie, one of the government staff was very selfish. He just thought about himself and let others died in the flood and he only let the rich people went in the ship. You see, only rich man can be secure? we are all human being and we have our right to be secure and to know what have happened!
Man are selfish. So we all have sin in our life and that why we cant know where to go after death. We need Jesus Christ....Only Jesus know the way because He is the Way, the Truth, and the Live, no one come unto the Father, but by me. You cant find any man in the world that he declare himself as God but only Jesus declare himself as God. Friend, you need Jesus. THIS IS JESUS LOVE www.everystudent.com/my/features/gettingconnected.html
If you cant believe you can try to prove Bible is wrong.
You silly little man. When you die, you die. Your body decomposes. End Of story. You prove my religion that states that when you die, you live in a huge castle with many beautiful women is untrue, and I'll prove christianity is untrue. By the way, I wonder who cleans the castle, wipes the floors and works at the shit purification plants?
ReplyDeleteThere was an anti-theism Doctor gave a talk and he said, "I cant see any soul in people's body every time I did the operation to my patients".So the Doctor believed there was no soul in human life.He challenged Christians to answer him.
ReplyDeleteOne of the old woman stood up and asked the Doctor,"Do you love your wife? and the Doctor said "Yes, of Course I love my wife." The old Woman asked:"So where is the love for your wife in your body, in which part of your body that store the love for your wife? Do you know what is the shape? If you cant see the shape of the love for your wife while you do the operation every time, does it exist? Cant see doesn't mean it was not exist right? So it same to the soul of human life. Soul cant see by our eyes."
Those are sad pictures
ReplyDeleteWhat have any of you to lose.oh you don't see father.you haven't seen abe lincoln.don't mean he didn't live,or wasn't alive and walking.most non believers like I once was,just don't know where to look.its easy every time a good deed is done.God is there.maybe you haven't had a reason to believe.how about this.(if) there is a God you have no chance at eternity.however if you are right no harm no foul.I don't like taking chances.I've seen father work in my life.I've seen himcompletely change others.even if I die and that's it.I still lived a healthier cleaner happier life than the rest of you guys.
ReplyDeleteBurros bien dice la bible que ni asi se arepintierpn
ReplyDeleteOH MY GOD...
ReplyDeleteGod is in control!!!
ReplyDeleteThose are very sad pictures and sad comments. Just say your opinion don't say others to follow.
ReplyDeleteWhat I find unwise is to deny the truth which is God himself without giving Him the chance. Study/read God's word and ask Him the questions that every soul wrestles with: is there life after death? What is the purpose of life? How did all came to be? y am here. He will meet where you are, He loves you? Be wise there is just too much at stake: eternity in heaven or in hell! It thus wise worth at least investigating the truth. Read: thcade for Christ a book written by an atheist journalist whose purpose was to try to proof Christianity was false and ended up accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as his saviour. Think about it...
ReplyDeleteWith love, Ceila
in malaysia that is not tsunami, that flood..
ReplyDeleteDeny it all you like, but this truth no one will ever change-Jesus Christ is Lord. he is the son of the Living God and the one who died so that each and everyone of us may have access to eternal life. There is life after death, whether you spend it in hell or heaven is entirely up to your reception of the good news of the gospel. Make a wise decision, choose life, choose Christ!!!! God Bless. Mandisa!
ReplyDeleteAll of you have TERRIBLE grammar, just saying. I couldn't stand reading ALMOST any of the comments that were posted. Please, go back to English class then try to uphold your end in an argument.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with the grammer problem....its terrible
ReplyDeleteYes, Jesus is the way, truth, and life. No one comes to the father except through Him.. and he said all this catastrophies will happen but no one knows the end of days, only the father knows, not even angels.... their is no fear with Jesus... God Bless All for those Who receive Jesus as their personal savior.
ReplyDeleteIf your omnipotent Christian God is so good, why does he allow terrible natural disasters that kill innocent people in their thousands? If God is indifferent or doesn't exist then the question goes away. The reason why I don't believe in Jesus/God is the same reason you don't believe in Thor, the Great Manitou or Santa Claus. And, yes, why is Jesus followed by so many people who are poor at writing English?
ReplyDeleteHellfire awaits all You Unbelievers. I cant wait to see u UNBELIEVERS burn in hell. Repent nw u stil have d chance. Dis live we are livin in, is just like a road, so we are nt livin in it but rather we are passing through it..... Have u ever askd urselfs why the Bible did not ever mention anythin abt d Quran but the Quran copied stories 4rm d bible it even went as far as written the story of Jesus. CHRISTIANS NEVER STATED IN ANY WAY DAT ''ISLAM'' WAZ A FALSE RELIGION. BUT ISLAMS SAY CHRISTIANS ARE THE MISGUIDED. LUCIFER HAS FOUND THE PERFECT WAY TO DIRECT PEOPLE TO HELL AND DAT IS ISLAM.
ReplyDeleteLove and Help people. Christ did only this. Many times He saw people and had pitty on them. He told His people that in last days such things will happen. Sun will get dark, Earth will receive Earthqucks and other natural disasters. Fighting over religion is not good. We must learn from these great people to help and love one anothr. Well English has become universal language as Christ has become Universal God.
ReplyDeleteTo you believers and nonbelivers alike: God gave man free will. You are free to believe or not to believe. I pass no judgement on those who choose not to believe as I do, nor should any other Christian. I reach out to help others because Jesus died on the cross for me and you, and for that I am thankful and blessed. In a time of crisis, people should put all else aside, stop blaming, stop hating, and help one another because one day when you need the help, you will wish someone was there for you no matter whether they may be a Christian or not, whether they have proper grammer skills or not, or even if they can speak English at all.
ReplyDeleteTwo questions to nonbelievers: one, do you believe in the US dollar bill? If you ever look at it, you will see on the back that it says In God We Trust. If you don't beleive in God, you don't believe in the money you use everyday. Second, if you don't believe in something bigger than this life and this world, why do you choose to wake up everyday and continue living....what is the point?
I don't mean my questions to be offensive or defensive, I am mearly curious and want to understand why you believe what you believe.
Im sorry about the people in japan i feel realy bad for them i realy wish i could help in some kind of way ..... i think when youu die you just die you dont know where you go your just gone every one says when you die you live a new life have a new start none of that is true i died 5 times and the doctors brought me back to life i remeber nothing i didnt see a light i jusst seen my parents watching me die on the table
ReplyDeleteI respect your belief, but if you believe nothing happens after you die, what motivates you to live right now. I have no will to live other than because Jesus gave up his life for me so that I may have a chance at eternal life in Heaven. I'm not saying I don't struggle with that on a day to day basis, but when it comes down to it, there is no purpose to life without something beyond the here and now for me.
ReplyDeleteThe sad thing is whether a believer or not in Jesus Christ, we should all help one another and look past the surface of people. If you want respect, you have to give it. I get sick of atheists and Christians battling over something that doesn't need to be battled over. People have free will, as much as it may suck when someone doesn't do what we feel they should, they still have the right to choose and we need to respect them for that decision.
God Bless you for being brave enough to tell the TRUTH. Jesus Christ is the greatest gift the world has ever seen. The Bible says He weeps for us because He hates death and He sent his only Son so we could defeat death. Its like this: we broke His High Standards (The 10 Commandments) and we are in a courtroom about to be sentenced to death when someone walks in and pays our bond and frees us. When we believe in Christ, repent of our sins and confess Him with our mouth we are spared from going to Hell.
ReplyDeleteFor those of you that don't believe in this stuff, I have this to say: Believe now, or believe later --> but you will BELIEVE.
Man wants me for his pleasure. Man has lied to me. Man wants me to be loose and a sinner. The Bible has told me what my true purpose as a woman is. My life has never been so good since I embraced Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I believe he died on the cross for the forgiveness of sins and He will come again, in His time, not ours. There is a number in Revelations that symbolizes how many of us will be with Jesus. It is a small number. There is much corruption, greed and filth in the world with raping, prostitution, drugs, and murder. Yes many people will die because there are many bad people in the world. I have faith He knows what He is doing and in His purpose. I don't need to question Him.
ReplyDeleteEnough of this jesus and god bullshit.
ReplyDeleteI send my condolences to japan, and everywhere else that has been effected by a natural disaster.
The religion you ignorant people call Christianity is really just a cult. Cults are groups of people forcing false beliefs on others and glorifying it as the right way to live...Well here is a dose of reality, Evolution is our only "God", wake up and smell the science you ignorant poor idiots. I feel sorry for your children.
ReplyDeleteGovernment of Chhattisgarh has brought eKosh online website to provide online facilities to their state government employees like downlaoad payslip, access epayroll system along with numerous links that can be directly accessed and get your bills paid easily. Chhattisgarh employee Payslip is a link that is provided to serve the government employees who are serving in different government departments. Details like Pension, CPS, Payroll for employers & ministers and more can be accessed from the e-Kosh online website, cg epayroll and this works under the Department of Directorate of Treasury Accounts & Pension for the state of Chhattisgarh, and it has also made easy work for the government to view and segregate different Government facilities to their permanent employees.
ReplyDeleteYou can access a router’s configuration page using the default IP address of a router. This is usually set by the Manufacturer. The commonly used ones are (Linksys), 10.0.11 (Apple) and (D-link, Netgear, etc). 192. 168.0.1 follow this link to configure and set up your wireless router for use Connect the router to a desktop or laptop via an Ethernet cable. For this to work, you might require LAN drivers pre-installed.