Friday, January 21, 2011
There was an anti-theism Doctor gave a talk and he said, "I cant see any soul in human's body every time I did the operation to my patients".So the Doctor believed there was no soul in human life.He challenged Christians to answer him.
One of the old woman stood up and asked the Doctor,"Do you love your wife? and the Doctor said "Yes, of Course I love my wife." The old Woman asked:"So where is the love for your wife in your body, in which part of your body that store the love for your wife? Do you know what is the shape? If you cant see the shape of the love for your wife while you do the operation every time, does it exist? Cant see doesn't mean it was not exist right? So it same to the soul of human life. Soul cant see by our eyes."
Saturday, June 19, 2010
真的没有想到我可以开店了!曾经将这个梦想交给上帝,求上帝让我有一天能够在职场上为他付出我的一切,我非常盼望能够借着工作认识更多人,也能够帮助他们。今天,神给我机会去爱他们。上帝的安排真的很奇妙,首先是我向神说如果你要我离开学园传道会,就求你为我预备一个合你心意的工作,我祷告了一段时间,过后就遇到我家乡的老师,我们彼此分享神的工作,生活等等,就这样我们聊起了教补习的事。他也这么巧有一位从Kumon教学的老师辞职了,他是我老师朋友的朋友,老师的朋友就介绍他们认识,就这样这位Kumon 的老师就免费的给我老师上Kumon 的教学法。我的老师就想和我还有两位老师在Jerantut,Pahang.就是我的家乡开一间数学训练补习班。我们就一起祷告,看神怎样带领。
(诗37:5)当将你的事交托耶和华,并依靠他 ,他就必成全。
(诗57:2)我要求告至高的神,就是为我成全诸事的神 。
(传 9:1)智慧人,并他们的作为,都在神手中。
Monday, April 5, 2010
Cemetery Day
I was so tired feeling was so complicated....don know happy or sad...but I thanked God that I could go to see my grandma and my grand grand grandma and grand grand grandpa.
My grandma's graveyard (This is my first time meet with her)
When I saw heart filled with thanksgiving because they all had slept in Lord...we would meet up together one day.....there were many people had slept in Lord and waiting for that day to come....I thanked God that had saved us from eternal death and forgive our sin so that we might be with Lord after we die....You heart was crying for those who do not want to accept Christ as their savior.Why people reject the Lord who want to love them? heart was broken.... :(
My aunty graveyard
Grandpa, I pray that you will continue to have faith in Lord. God love you, grandpa.
Friends, I pray for you to have chance to know Jesus Christ and accept Him as your savior and Lord. I pray I could help you to know more about Jesus and what he had done for you.....Jesus love you...
My grand grand grandma
My grand grand grandpa
My Uncle
Friday, March 26, 2010
Easter Day in USM 26/3/2010
Thanks God for tonight event "Love.Transform.Life" that made so beautiful for Lord. I really thanked those who put their effort to make this happen especially PKA students, CLC anad also LWC students..I thanked God for such a wonderful message that Dr. Alex brought out....Ya..usually we human being will make mistake on "we thought that we knew everything", sometime "we thought that we were insufficient, not important.", and sometime "we thought that we no need God...we could take care of ourselves....."
But do you know why you exit??? God have purpose for every single man and one is not and me are so sufficient that cause Jesus died on the cross for our sin....
How great is our God that willing to died for you know that...God have a plan in your life.
Don't live a messy life....let God help you friends....
If you want God help you, just ask from Him:"Jesus, I need you. I was lost and I need your help. Please help me.....pray in the Jesus's name. Amen."
Does this prayer express the desire of your heart?
If it does, pray this prayer to Lord...He will heal you....
1。 此刻打盹,你将做梦;此刻学习,你将圆梦。
1。 此刻打盹,你将做梦;此刻学习,你将圆梦。
Sunday, January 10, 2010
为我们的Chief Minister祷告
wow....今天终于亲眼看到YB. LIM GUAN ENG。。。感谢神,我们教会有这个荣幸接待他的到来,也能为他祷告。而且他也是我们在基督里的一家人呢!最近马来西亚都发生很多事,但是我相信,这都是神美好的计划,让更多不同种族的人,在全马来西亚,在全世界都认识神,有的时候我们真的只可以看神迹,为更多人因着这件事情而认识神来祷告。。。我们爱你们,就算你们毁坏我们的教会,我们还是为你们祷告,因为你们所做的你们不晓得。。。我们祷告,让神也对你们说话,使你们眼睛不被蒙蔽,能够认识这位昔在,今在,永在的真神。。。
为我们Penang的Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng 祷告,求神赐他智慧去管理槟岛。每天都能与神亲近,读神的话,明白神的话,更为神付出他的时间,精神,体力。。
Saturday, November 21, 2009

If the world will end one day where will you go? Where you will go after you had died???
In that movie, one of the government staff was very selfish. He just thought about himself and let others died in the flood and he only let the rich people went in the ship. You see, only rich man can be secure? we are all human being and we have our right to be secure and to know what have happened!
Man are selfish. So we all have sin in our life and that why we cant know where to go after death. We need Jesus Christ....Only Jesus know the way because He is the Way, the Truth, and the Live, no one come unto the Father, but by me. You cant find any man in the world that he declare himself as God but only Jesus declare himself as God. Friend, you need Jesus. THIS IS JESUS LOVE
If you cant believe you can try to prove Bible is wrong.
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