Saturday, November 21, 2009


This is in Indonesia

This happen in Malaysia

This happen in Japan

This happen in China

This is Tsunami's dead body

This is Tsunami

This is flood in Manila

I just watched the movie 2012 and I felt so urgent to know what I believed in this world? The movie show some of the phenomena that are very famous in our world now such as Tsunami , Typhoon, Volcano, Earthquake and so on.....

If the world will end one day where will you go? Where you will go after you had died???

In that movie, one of the government staff was very selfish. He just thought about himself and let others died in the flood and he only let the rich people went in the ship. You see, only rich man can be secure? we are all human being and we have our right to be secure and to know what have happened!

Man are selfish. So we all have sin in our life and that why we cant know where to go after death. We need Jesus Christ....Only Jesus know the way because He is the Way, the Truth, and the Live, no one come unto the Father, but by me. You cant find any man in the world that he declare himself as God but only Jesus declare himself as God. Friend, you need Jesus. THIS IS JESUS LOVE

If you cant believe you can try to prove Bible is wrong.

Monday, November 16, 2009

My New Experience

哇!够大胆子的小子啊!!其实我真的很怕的,这是我第一次驾车到Balik Pulau的山上办学生Vision Trip.还没开车就一直祷告,求上帝保守平安,因为车里坐着4个人啊。。。我很感谢我的上司,够胆让我驾,而且还载了他的一家大小。哈哈。。从那次以后,我驾车的胆量开始增加了。现在,我还帮忙驾van啊!!



Thursday, November 5, 2009

Cooking Time!!

After I came to Penang ministry I always cook for our lunch or dinner because my room mate is a good cook and she had been influenced me to cook. I like to cook with my lovely room mate and eat with her. I thank God for all His love to me and my room mate that we are always enough. All we have are from our God, our great God that who willing to die for us to give me eternal life.I would like you to know Him more so that you can be loved by Him.